The kitchen therefore was arranged around a fireplace. For sleeping also all the actions were Divided up in segments You had to climb stairs to disengage yourself from ether living function. Then you decide whether or not to get undressed. After that you enter a separate space with no roof so as to be able to see the stars. There is just one small looking hole in a wall for some contact with the outsite world. Bathing in this concept was a true cleansing process, not unlike a car wash, very physical. You start a dirty little human being, entering through A narrow portal and the cleaner you become the more space you get. You splash your way through; scrubbing, showering and end up in a large round bath, lteike small lake. The back wall runs across the lake. You can drive to other side and have contact with outside world. As a maater of fact you end up in the communication space and can converse with people outside the bathroom. The communication space id for the mind. You can talk and listen, watch screen and read books. The main dilemma of interior ideas was the separation of body and mind difficult but interesting.
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